Stacey Brickson, PhD

Position: USA Cycling Coach, Physical Therapist

Dr. Stacey Brickson brings 30 years of sports medicine experience as a Physical Therapist, Athletic Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Specialist to her athletes. She earned her PhD from UW-Madison in 2002 in Exercise with a focus on muscle injury and joined the Human Performance Lab in 2015 to conduct research evaluating metrics such as sleep, mood and training load as they correlate with injury. Stacey has worked with professional bike fitter Colin O’Brien at Cronometro for nearly a decade, doing musculoskeletal assessments as an integrated part of therapeutic bike fit. Stacey is a USA Cycling Level 1 coach and NICA Level 1 coach. She is passionate about pedaling as a form of exercise and competition for people of all ages and abilities.